SNU Clinical Rotation Program

Welcome to St. Nicholas University's School of Veterinary Medicine!

Clinical Rotation Opportunities for Veterinary Clinic Managers

Dear Clinic Managers,


At St. Nicholas University’s School of Veterinary Medicine, we are dedicated to providing our students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for successful careers in veterinary medicine. A vital component of our educational approach is our Clinical Rotation Program, which offers senior students the opportunity to gain real-world experience in approved veterinary clinics. We partner with an array of exceptional veterinary clinics to ensure our students receive practical training and mentorship from experienced professionals. 

Why Host Our Senior Students?

 Hosting our senior students can be a mutually beneficial experience for your veterinary clinic. Our students are in their final year of the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program and are eager to gain hands-on experience in private practice and other veterinary settings. This is an opportunity for clinic managers to share their expertise, mentor the next generation of veterinarians, and potentially identify promising talent for future employment.

Frequently Asked Questions for Clinical Rotation Program

We understand that clinic managers may have questions and concerns about hosting our senior students. To provide clarity and detailed information, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ). These FAQs cover a range of topics, including the duration of the placement, student accommodations, assessment strategies, and more.

Here are some of the questions we answer:

What is the process to become a partner at our clinical rotation program for senior students?

To request a clinical rotation placement for senior students, please contact our institution’s coordinator at, who will provide you with the necessary forms and details for initiating the placement request process. We ensure a straightforward and coordinated process for both the clinic and students. To initiate the partnership process, visit our Rotational Clinic Program Application Form page at Clinical Partnership Application Form.

How long are student placements for this rotation?

Student placements are typically for a maximum of 4 weeks at each clinical facility. This duration allows students to immerse themselves in the clinical environment.

Do students have funding for accommodation while on placement, and how is this arranged?

Students are self-funded for their accommodation, transportation, meals, and other necessities during the rotation. Initially, we ask if the clinic or coordinators have any recommended accommodations. If not, students are expected to take the initiative to explore available options promptly after the rotation is confirmed. This self-sufficiency ensures that students are responsible for their practical needs during the experience.

What are the hours requirement for a placement per week, and can students work evenings, nights, and days?

Students are required to complete a 40-hour work week, and it is essential that they do not miss more than the equivalent of 1 weekday within this timeframe during a 4-week rotation. This criterion is set to ensure that students gain a comprehensive and consistent experience. However, we encourage flexibility in scheduling, and students can work evenings and nights if it aligns with the clinic’s operational needs. This flexibility allows students to explore various aspects of veterinary practice.

What year of study are the students in?

The students participating in this clinical rotation are in the 4th year of their Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program. The 4th year represents the final phase of their academic journey, making them well-prepared to actively engage in clinical settings.

What are the students' learning objectives during the rotation?

The objectives of the clinical rotation are as follows:

  • To demonstrate to the student the scope and pace of a private practice or other veterinary experience.
  • To acquaint the student with the philosophical approach and ethical relationships of a veterinarian in a community.
  • To introduce the student to management, finances, client relations, personnel supervision, and housekeeping as found in a private practice situation.
  • To expand the student’s technical abilities to administer care to patients and acquaint themselves, under the direct supervision of a practicing veterinarian, with medical and surgical procedures used in practice.
  • To increase the variety of patients and clients with which the student is directly involved.
  • To supplement the clinical materials and programs of the teaching institution, particularly in specialized practice areas.
  • To serve as a means of communication between the veterinarian and the College.
What is your assessment strategy for the students during the rotation?

The supervising veterinarian is required to complete the student evaluation form within one week of the completion of the externship. This evaluation form is based on the nine AVMA Council on Education’s Clinical Competencies categories.

  • There will be optional, but desired comments at the end of each question. If you score the student with “Unsatisfactory” performance, a required comment box will appear, asking for additional feedback.
  • All questions may not apply to every externship, so please feel free to only score those areas that you observed. We have provided examples of evaluation criteria to help in selecting a score.
  • The student will not receive credit for the externship if:
    • They receive a score of “Unsatisfactory” as a response to any question.
    • They did not work the minimum number of expected days.
  • If the student does not receive credit for the externship, they are required to make up the externship, but not necessarily at your facility.
Are there any specific prerequisites or qualifications that students need to meet to participate in the clinical rotation?

To participate in the clinical rotation, students must meet specific prerequisites and qualifications. These requirements are based on their completion of coursework and clinical training in their DVM program. Detailed prerequisites can be provided upon request to ensure that students are appropriately prepared for the rotation.

Can the clinic accommodate more than one student at a time for the clinical rotation?

Yes, our clinical rotation program has the capacity to offer multiple students simultaneously. We welcome more than one student at a time and would appreciate knowing your facility’s capacity and preferences regarding the number of students you can accommodate during a given rotation period.

How are students matched with specific veterinary facilities for their clinical rotation?

Our aim is to match students with facilities that align with their learning objectives and career goals. If your clinic has specific preferences regarding students with particular interests or skills, please communicate those preferences. We consider these preferences during the placement process to ensure a mutually beneficial experience for both students and the clinic.

Is there a specific start date for the clinical rotation, or is it flexible?

Start dates for the clinical rotation are flexible and can be customized to align with the needs of your facility and our students. Please provide your availability and any date restrictions when discussing the placement to ensure a suitable arrangement for all parties involved.

What is the procedure for addressing any unforeseen emergencies or issues during the student's clinical rotation?

The level of hands-on experience during a student’s clinical rotation can vary and is typically determined by the vet/preceptor at the clinic. They will consider the individual student’s skills, knowledge, and the specific cases and tasks available during the rotation. This approach allows for a tailored learning experience, ensuring that each student gains the most from their time in the clinic while maintaining the highest standards of patient care. The opportunity for students to participate in surgery and other advanced procedures during their clinical rotation is also at the discretion of the supervising veterinarian or preceptor at the clinic. The level of involvement in such procedures may vary depending on the student’s skills, knowledge, and the specific cases available during the rotation.

Can the students participate in surgery and other advanced procedures during their clinical rotation?

Students are enthusiastic about gaining experience in surgical and advanced procedures. Please specify the extent to which students can actively participate in these areas during their clinical rotation. Any specific requirements or limitations regarding participation in surgery or advanced procedures should be communicated to students to align their expectations with the clinic’s policies.

Get Involved

If you are a veterinary clinic interested in partnering with St. Nicholas University’s Clinical Rotation Program, we invite you to reach out to our Clinical Coordinator at By joining our network of approved clinics, you can play a vital role in shaping the future of veterinary medicine and supporting the next generation of veterinarians.

Getting involved in our Rotational Clinic Program is a straightforward process. To become a clinic partner, follow these steps:

  1. Visit Our Application Form: To initiate the partnership process, visit our Rotational Clinic Program Application Form page at Clinical Partnership Application Form.

  2. Complete the Application: On the application form page, you will find a detailed form to complete. Please provide accurate and comprehensive information about your clinic, areas of specialization, preferences for student rotations, and any specific requirements or expectations you may have.

  3. Submit the Application: Once you have filled out the application form, click the “Submit” button to send us your application. Our team will review your submission promptly.

  4. Await Our Response: Our Clinical Coordinator will review your application and get in touch with you to discuss the details of your application and potential partnership opportunities.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, require more information, or would like to discuss partnership opportunities, please contact our Clinical Coordinator at We are here to assist you in becoming a part of this collaborative educational initiative.

At St. Nicholas University, we believe in the power of practical experience and mentorship to shape the future of veterinary medicine. We look forward to the opportunity to work together to provide our students with a diverse and enriching clinical experience and to further strengthen the field of veterinary practice.

Thank you for considering becoming a part of our Clinical Rotation Program. Your involvement is crucial to the success of our students and the advancement of veterinary medicine.

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