Four-year Veterinary DVM Program
Entry RequirementsFour-year Veterinary DVM Program

Four-year Veterinary DVM Program
Students entering the 4-year DVM program at St. Nicholas University School of Veterinary Medicine are required to have a minimum of 60 college/university credits.
Veterinary Technician Graduates & All Other Students
Veterinary Technician Graduated from Trinidad, Guyana, USA and Canada are welcome to apply for the Four-year Veterinary DVM program and are given special consideration according to their overall experience, and professional and academic attainments. All other persons of the age of 18 years and over, who do not otherwise satisfy the requirements set out for admission into the 4-year DVM Program at St. Nicholas University: School of Veterinary Medicine may nonetheless qualify for entry based on their overall experience, and professional and academic attainments. Such persons will be required to submit curriculum vitae with full details of their experience and continuing education activities along with their applications.

Advanced Standing and Transfer Students
Applications for admission with advanced standing are welcomed from students from veterinary schools recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and or the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB). Acceptance of transfer credit is at the discretion of the University.