Why Study at SNU

For our very first post, perhaps the most appropriate subject should be a bit more about us. So here it is –  Why Should You Want to Study at SNU. There are many angles to this question.
Lets start with a more broad one – Why Should You Want to Study Abroad?

We do have local students from Dominica, but many are coming from abroad, and if you consider it too – this story may be just for you. Surely, you can find a veterinary school closer to home. So, why go abroad? Lets point to a few core factors: 

Blast of a life-time

DVM studies at St Nicholas University, field work with Dr Preze
Examination of a horse, field exercise with Dr Preze.

Study abroad is a game-changer for students, and often it’s the best decision of their lives. It may affect the course of your entire life, but even if your path remains the same, the global perspective you gain is invaluable.

You will have experience of a life-time exploring new culture, new land, experiencing new ways of life. You will make strong international friendships that can help you later-on to expand your career, gain additional experience or organize working trips abroad. In addition of working with typical animals all school would deal with – such as dogs, cats, horses, and so on – you will experience hands-on cases working with animals that are not found in your home country. You will also learn many other aspects, such as local ways of treating animals that will add invaluable knowledge, expanding your professional horizons. You will gain a wider experience, and using it wisely – you can become a better, more knowledgeable vet.

YOU may become a more attractive option

Coming back from abroad you may have better chances of establishing yourself faster, or finding yourself a better work in a bigger institution. The fact is – your studies abroad prove that you are a dynamic person unafraid of navigating unknown waters, experiencing various challenges and ready to explore new ways. All these are highly sought values making an attractive image of you – a young veterinary doctor with international experience, ready to start your career. Or – you may continue your journey – establishing your professional practice in yet another country!

On students’ whale watching trip.

Expanding your knowledge and experience

It is also worth underscoring that our University is directly supporting a non-profit animal rescue. That gives you an unique opportunity to get involved hands-on in different aspects of such operation. You will see your teachers in action – performing emergency surgeries in our University/Rescue hospital, and as you gain experience you can be a part of our team. You can take part in rescue missions, and so on. That is all invaluable experience to make your career start stronger and with more confidence.

Volunteering with St Nicholas Animal Rescue.

Here is another unique aspect to our University. Our President, herself a specialist Physician with additional specialization in alternative medicine, more than once achieved remarkable results treating badly injured animals most vets would recommend putting down. Acupuncture, physiotherapy, and other alternative methods are not commonly used in veterinary practices, and with us you may see real “little miracles” worth remembering – like totally paralyzed animals with spine injuries – walking again. Learning some of these methods can give you a stronger arsenal of options for your own practice. And of course – you can get involved in research on such subjects.

Our financial advantage

There is not enough space in this short post to describe every detail and every advantage. So, let us finish this with another VERY IMPORTANT reason to study at SNU. I mentioned “another advantage” earlier on – so here it is.

There are some fortunate well-to-do people who can afford high loans for veterinary doctorate studies, or even pay these in cash. However, typical student loans for such studies go between $150,000 up to $300,000 US Dollars, and total cost – including accommodation, and all things around it – makes it a much higher expense that may drag you down for years to come. Lets say it – most of us find such high costs tough, or even prohibitive.

Victoria Falls, Dominica, Eastern Caribbean.

Studying abroad can be a solution to this. Some Universities in the region would cut that cost in half. Good? Surely yes. But – how about cutting it by much more? This is what perhaps makes us  different from many other universities. Personal motto of our President is “affordable quality education”.  And it is not just a slogan, and more than a dream. Life experience gave her a strong belief that education should be available to many, not just select few. And, all of us at the core management of SNU follow her dream of making it real.

We are working here to have satisfaction that we create something valuable and different, something that is a tool to make a difference – to you, to other students – and then through your education – a difference to lives of many people and animals you will be dealing with. Therefore the cost of studies at SNU is significantly lower than at many other such institutions. We do not cut-down on quality of education. We are selective as to admission quality – not quantity. We keep our classes small because it gives you better learning experience. We are really focused on quality, value, and helping animals. These are our priorities.

Your money go to your education, not to fund expensive advertising or a posh lifestyle of management. And whenever we can afford it – we offer special scholarships too – on top of our already low studying cost.

These are facts. When you will come here, you will see what I mean. You will see it is for real, and you will understand why we are determined to keep it this way. So, if the above examples ring true and attractive to you, if your dream is to become a veterinary doctor and costs are something you need to strongly consider – we hope to welcome you to our SNU family soon.
If you have additional questions, you will find ways of contacting us on this site. Thank you for reading our first post!

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