Why Choose Us

You can rest assured that you have made the right choice visiting us. We have a student-centered mission. We do everything we can to help you reach your goal to become a successful, competent and compassionate Veterinarian. Our school strives to innovate and apply state-of-the-art concepts in human cognition when designing all aspects of our curriculum and evaluations.

Our curriculum emphasizes a strong work ethic, being a team player, having compassion for the animals-patients, and a continuing curiosity for the developing science of veterinary medicine. We look forward to assisting you as you pursue your dream of becoming a successful, competent and compassionate veterinarian.

It is also worth noting that with current global shortage of veterinary doctors, our diploma may open your door to an instant career in another country, not just your homeland.

While in Dominica – you can also enjoy contact with amazing nature, hiking world-famous trails for an unforgettable experience. There are also other unique advantages to enrolling with our University.

Please explore this site, contact us for details, and consider applying. Our advisor will be happy to answer your questions.

However, please note – at this point all classes are in English language only. Therefore our site is also in English, as we expect our students to communicate in this language. Thank you!

About Us

Established by a Canadian-educated medical doctor with personal motto being "affordable and accessible quality education”, and with passion for science, research and learning, our school is a perfect place for those who want to study and to succeed in Veterinary career.

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New Articles in Scientific Journal

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A few months ago we posted quick news about an article published by one…

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